Thursday, December 12, 2013

Canadian Geography


We have been learning about Canada in Geography. Do you know all of the provinces and territories? Can you locate them on a map? Try the game at:

Our Amazing Poetry! 

 We have been writing poetry about landforms and bodies of water. What an wonderful group of poets we have in room 202!





Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Our Macskimming Trip!!

Getting warm by the fire.

We had a great trip to Macskimming last week! We learned a lot about working together. We ate yummy pancakes, cooked hotdogs over the fire, played Manhunt, warmed up by the fire, washed dishes, told ghost stories, built fires, learned to use a compass and made some new friends!

Your fearless leaders!
On the balance beam.

The girls are having fun!
Great fire!

You look cold!

Don't fall!!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Glashan Zombies!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Class Relays!

The Class Relays

On Thursday all of the Glashan students went to the park and ran in the class relays. It was a beautiful day and we had tons of fun, cheering on our classmates. 7-3 students were all in green, 8-3 students wore orange and black and 8-2 students wore pineapples! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Our Hike to the Caves!

Our Hike to the Lusk Caves

We went on a hike to the Lusk Caves. It took us an hour to walk to the caves. All of the students went through the caves and many of us got wet feet! The leaves were just starting to turn red. It was a fun day. We were really tired on the bus! Here are some pictures:



Sunday, September 22, 2013

We Are Going Hiking!

This Tuesday, our class has been invited to go hiking in the Gatineau Park. We will be taking a bus for about 45 minutes to get to Lac Philippe. We will be going on a hike to the Lusk Caves. It will be a lot of fun! Don't forget to bring a good lunch and an extra pair of shoes, because the caves are very wet. You must return your permission form if you want to participate!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Our Trip to Macskimming

Today we went to Macskimming Outdoor Education Centre. We caught lots of bugs and tadpoles. We got our feet wet. We roasted hotdogs over the fire. We played a game called Predator and Prey. How many of these new words can you use when you tell your friends and family about our day:  dragonfly, toad, tadpole, net, predator, prey, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore?




Math Probability Games

On Monday we were invited to Mr. Pharand's classroom to play some probability games that were made by 7-2 students.